Heavenly Hills Liability Waiver - Terms of Agreement
I agree to the following:
- I do hereby give permission to Heavenly Hills Christian Camp and Retreat Center ("Heavenly Hills") receive the following treatments IF determined necessary or beneficial, with knowledge of communicated allergies: Advil (also known as: Ibuprofen or Motrin) for pain or fever; Benadryl (liquid, pill, or topical) for allergic reaction; Tea Tree Oil (topical) for itching (mosquito bites); Tums/Rolaids (chewable tablet) for stomach upset; Charcoal (capsule) for intestinal gas; Neosporin (also known as triple antibiotic ointment) for cuts of scratches; EmergenC Electrolyte Packet for hydration; Eye Drops (vision or Generic Vision) for eye irritation; Ear Drops for swimmer's ear. If I do not want to receive any of these above treatments or medications I will make note of it my registration. Additionally, I understand that any medications or treatments I bring will be reviewed by the Registered Nurse or Camp Staff, at their discretion. For a camp held on behalf of minors, I give permission for the Registered Nurse or Camp Staff to oversee the administration of the medications, as instructed, during their time at camp.
- I do hereby give permission to Heavenly Hills to consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care which is deemed advisable by any physician and/or surgeon licensed under the provisions of the Medical Practice Act.
- I do hereby give permission to Heavenly Hills to be transported for medical care or to participate in programs conducted off the campgrounds. Furthermore, I do hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold forever harmless Heavenly Hills or their assigns against loss from any and all claims, demands or actions in law or in equity that may hereafter be made or brought by myself, or by anyone on behalf of myself, for the purpose of enforcing a claim for damages on account of any fatality and or injury incurred in consequence of an accident that may be I may sustain during the above mentioned activity.
- I do hereby agree that I will follow instructions and display responsible behavior at all times. I am aware that Heavenly Hills follows the appropriate guidelines when executing activities during all events/trips. I am also aware that activities are well organized with particular attention paid to health and safety. I understand that there can be no absolute guarantee of safety, but appreciate that the Camp Staff do everything that is reasonably practicable to ensure the safety of everyone during our trips/events. I understand that if there is any major form of medical treatment (sickness, vomiting, ER visits, etc.) given then the Camp Staff will do all that they can to contact the camper's Emergency Contacts. All minor form of medical treatment (minor bumps, scratches, stings, etc.) given will be communicated at the end of the event/trip if the camper is a minor.
- I do hereby give permission to Heavenly Hills to use my image (photographs and/or videos) taken during a camp event for use in Heavenly Hills media publications such as social media posts, brochures, digital newsletters, website posts, etc. I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or electronic matter that my be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to me or unknown, and I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the image.